RELEASE NOTES - 2020-11-13b


  • Clipping border lines are now thicker and green instead of black.
  • Part instances now have a mirror mode property (just like parts).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where fur authoring brush presets would not load default settings.
    • (Will load default settings upon load first time now, but after that your own settings will be used/stored.)
  • Fixed an issue where MaskTexture textures wouldn't load properly for older saves for SubMesh 0.
  • Fixed an issue where using clipping border could cause UI to render artifacts.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling fur would break posing functions in pose mode.
  • Fixed an issue where undo/redo for comb strokes wouldn't work properly.
  • Fixed issues with vertex normal artifacts that could arise where head/hands/feet meet body (especially in male model).
  • Fixed an issue where part instances couldn't be included in parent mirror copy.
  • Fixed an issue where custom noise texture for fur authoring would use CLAMP instead of REPEAT for texture wrapping.
  • Fixed an issue where Modal input dialogue wouldn't update text for the buttons.
    • (Would instead use whatever text was set previously.)
  • Fixed an issue where fluff wouldn't use jittered dithering in build for blending with source mesh.