RELEASE NOTES - 2021-07-31

New content


Available in cloud.


Available in cloud.


Available in cloud.


New mouse head, parts and templates.



New stylized head and template.

New Nipples

For the new nipple projection tech (see below in new features).

New Features

Custom offsets

We're proud to announce our custom offsets system, which makes creating heavily customized shapes possible.

Check out our tutorial on youtube (or on mega):

Requires custom plugin for Blender. You can get it here:


Plugin replaces the old cloth plugin, so that should be removed. (This new plugin contains its functionality.)

AreolaNipple rework

The areola nipple system has been remade to project mesh rather than VDM (vector displacement mapping).

Works with custom made meshes too (needs to be exported as fvne_cloth).

UI Rework

Outliner hierarchy has been completely restructured to be more intuitive.

Furthermore, hierarchy is now rendering lines to make it easier to navigate.

Local Assets Browser

Local assets has moved to its own view which you can access through "View > Local Assets".

Easily filter assets through the filter buttons, and/or filter by name.

Filter several sections by holding shift or control.

Genderless characters

  • You can now create a genderless character.
    • (Select "None" in "Privates/Gender Type/GenderType".)

Heterochromatic eyes

You can now have heterochromatic eyes. Simply check the bool in eye options. Works for sclera too.

Part editing in pose mode

Expose parts in pose mode, edit transform and toggle visibility. Works on a per pose basis, so you can have differently configured ears for different poses for example.


  • Preferences now has setting for enabling/disabling environment particles.
  • Pose mode's posing tools can now be accessed through "View > Pose Tools".


  • Mesh normals are now included in mesh export.
    • (Previously, normals were inferred from surface, which was bad since a triangulated mesh has different normals than source mesh.)
    • (Now you have the same normals as source, making it suitable for custom baking in external tools.)
  • Increased normal computation limit per vertex from 5 faces to 26 faces.
    • Fixes the odd normal at nipple area (in body topology, used to be a black circle there before).
    • Slightly higher performance and memory cost but at least the normals are correct now.
  • Added a tool instruction when in edit balls state.
  • Create mask and layer menus are now ordered by name.
  • Mask creation menu no longer repeats the word "Create" for each line.
  • You can now rename local asset mask items individually.
  • Mask areola now works for any areola placement.
  • Properties referencing local assets will now show the referenced item's name rather than its ID.
  • You can now reorder parts (through right click menu).


  • Character will now be focused when exiting pose mode.
  • Progress system now only slightly darkens screen and progress bar is smaller and located in lower left.
  • MaskAreola now has MaxDistance and DistanceFade parameters.
  • Moved pivot point for shark ears.
  • Increased max cloth triangles from 25 000 to 35 000.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where bind pose bytes for clothing wouldn't be saved or loaded, causing bind pose to be default when going into "Edit Bind Pose" after loading a character.
  • Fixed an issue in the pose clothing object where "GravityRight" and "SqueezeRight" wouldn't be hidden when "UseBraPhysics" was off.
  • Fixed an issue with wolf mouth shape being incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where garments bound with SURFACE option and with inflation checked would behave incorrectly in edit mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the sub object visibility of parts would not be properly updated in outliner when setting/unsetting model property.
  • Fixed an issue where changing material shader while fur was enabled would not update tessellation correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where FXMap for appendage group model wouldn't work.
  • Fixed an issue where shaft transform wouldn't update properly when changing shaft model.
  • Fixed an issue where bind pose bra physics wouldn't be applied properly when entering bind pose state.
  • Fixed an issue where parts or garments could turn invisible on load if using transfer layer.
  • Fixed an issue where parts or garments could not be colored correctly if using transfer layer upon load.
  • Fixed an issue where using LayerTransfer and having opacity for emission, metal, smoothness or AO wouldn't work.
  • Fixed an issue where changing cloth model on a garment with a smoothing mask to one with fewer vertices and then binding would cause the app to freeze.